Proven Academic, Social, Physical & Food-Choice Benefits for Kids.
Families Connect & Share Local Agricultural Skills.
Teachers & Children are Happier Outdoors at Greener, Tastier Schools.
We created this website to celebrate school gardens in the Gulf Islands (District #64), share resources, and help each project thrive.
In 2023-24, all the School Gardens are very active, and it's time to reconnect and share successes and challenges again.. more to come soon! We are seeking funds to do so in 2024-25. Stay tuned!
For the 2022-23 schoolyear, we will offer garden learning activities to K-3 students at three schools, plus farm field trips and locally-grown mealkits & bicycle-blender smoothies, thanks to great regional and community support.
In 2021-22, we updated the Gulf Islands School Gardens Case Studies and shared more learning & funding resources. Thanks to grants from Island Savings, Vancity, SD64 Wellness, Learning for a Sustainable Future, President's Choice, HCTF, and community support, we ran weekly garden activities for over 200 K-6 students and also shared new tools, seeds, and funds across gardens.
Each year, we gather for "School Garden Learning Circles" with garden champions and community supporters, having already met at gardens on Mayne, Pender, Galiano, and Salt Spring over the past years. Most years, we also organise Garden-based Learning Workshops for Teachers.
This collaboration is led by a small group of parent and teacher volunteers, assisted by many others and cheered on by the School District. This year's project team is led by Robin Jenkinson, with help from Shelly Johnson, Katharine Byers, Calico Chang, Julie Johnston & others. If you’d like to join, please get in touch!