Upcoming Garden-based Learning Professional Development
Thu, Sep 26, 2019 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM PDT: Webinar for school gardens "Volunteer Management and Community Support" - https://sites.google.com/site/nationalschoolgardennetwork/networking
Oct 25-26, 2019: Classroom-to-Communities conference at UBC - https://c2c-bc.org/conference/
Nov 19-22, 2019: CRFAIR's Good Food Summit - https://www.goodfoodnetwork.info/the-good-food-summit
Megan Zeni's workshops
Useful Links for our Gulf Islands School Garden Calendar & Activity Guide
Julie Johnston's Excellent School Garden Resource Page, based on Pender Islands Schools Garden: http://www.greenhearted.org/school-gardens.html
'School Gardens Calendar' and 'Green Thumbs at School' http://www.spec.bc.ca/school-gardens
Good visuals form NY, USA (different growing zone): https://www.nybg.org/content/uploads/2017/02/calendar.pdf
Powell River District school garden calendar: https://sd47foodliteracy.files.wordpress.com/2019/02/school-garden-calendar-final-2.pdf
UBC Landed Learning: http://landedlearning.educ.ubc.ca/school-year-program/
Government of Alberta: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/%24Department/deptdocs.nsf/all/aet15480/%24FILE/pdf
Whole Kids Foundation: https://www.wholekidsfoundation.org/resources/school-garden-resources/
Growing Gardens list of resources: https://www.growing-gardens.org/portland-gardening-resources/school-gardens/
Foodshare activities: https://foodshare.net/program/educator/
Kids Gardening https://kidsgardening.org/educator-resources/
Gulf Islands School Gardens Resources - from local to universal!
Life Lab has a bunch: http://www.lifelab.org/for-educators/schoolgardens/ and their Youtube site: https://www.youtube.com/user/lifelabvideos
SSI Soil Survey & Soil Management Handbook for Vancouver Island
Soil sifting into component parts with Sirewall/Terra Firma Builders - Joss or Meror Krayenhoff
Victoria Compost Education Centre - free workshops, and also great school programs on soil, composting & vermiculture.
CRD Composting
Organic Permaculture Soil Building - Seven Ravens Permaculture Academy
Soil testing MB Labs in Sidney - https://mblabs.com/services/water-environmental/soil/
And more!
Hawaii School Garden Network: https://kohalacenter.org/hisgn/hisgn-resources