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Week 5: Beans, Berries, Compost & Carrots

Monday was Canadian Thanksgiving, so we began Tuesday with the grades 1-2 students. One class hadn't popped purple popcorn yet, so we did!

For the next class, we sorted beans of many colours from Dan Jason at Salt Spring Seeds. This was really fun.

Then Wednesday, we planted LOTS of berry plants, from Jostaberries to Elderberries and Figs to add to our food forest with Shane from Farmland Trust. After planting, we played. Those grades 3-4's love that slide!

Thursday was compost with three grades 5-6 classes. Dirty fun, garden alphabet hunt, and A-Z Compost Stew ditties.

Friday we were mainly in the front garden, eating carrots, digging for and planting favas and garlic clove math & plantings.

Everyone wants to eat more for garden club... and slide.


Website contact: Robin riverjenkinson<@>

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