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Mosaic Orange Plaster & Laser-cut Signage

Today, Kari Holmes K-1 class will come by the GISS shop to see their Garden ABC art cut into a large piece of maple plywood by a very cool laser burner & cutter. This 3'x5' sign will grace the front gate of the SSE Hillside Garden.

Also after school, we'll be working with Molly Murphy & Luba Polouvytnova to mosaic and plaster the new cob bench, built by four classes a few weeks ago. We'll make a natural plaster with clay, sand, and sieved horse-poo, then colour it with iron oxide. Luba is bringing all sorts of shiny old bits of mirrors and cast-off crockery to create cool patterns. We'll also integrate a glass starfish from Mark at The Glass Foundry. All this to create a special gathering centre space on the Hillside for classes.

Just uphill will be the new greenhouse. CRD is getting back to us on foundation requirements and David James is creating a promo video to help us fundraise for the final purchase of a 10' by 22' pre-engineered, clear double-walled poly greenhouse with doors at each end! Hopefully, we'll install it in August!

Then, our group is also discussing summer plans. Thanks to Nicole Hunter-Tait's family for taking on the bulk of the watering! Other families are willing to sign up for a week or weekend, where needed, and we need to figure out a good online tool for that. We're also talking about potluck work-parties on Monday evenings 3-7pm to maintain the garden and give it a deep watering each week.

Garden ABC Sign being engraved by the GISS Laser-cutter!


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